Five for Friday 4-29-16

Its Friday!!!! I love Friday. Not only is it the last day of the week, but because of Friday prayer I only have my students for two hours. And one of those hours is independent study where my kids catch up on all late assignments. So I really only have one hour of teaching time, which is why Friday is awesome. But, that's not all it is also the day that this amazing linkup comes up and I just love it so much. I get so many new ideas, thank you so much. And now with out further ado I give you my Five for Friday! In class we are reading Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare. We are also working on sequencing in ELA so I came up with this: It's a comic book strip illustrating chapter 15 when Matt and Attean are confronted by a bear. I collected the images off of google image search (so if it belongs to anybody let me know so I can give credit). I thought it was pretty cleaver of me and I was really excited to do it in class. After I did it my students, lovely k...