Back to School

It's that time of year again. The time when all those little darlings come back from summer vacation. And all the work we teachers have done over the summer is finally going to be implemented. I did a lot of reading over the summer some PD and I feel like I am ready for a great new year. Tomorrow is going to be the start of a great year I can feel it. Last week, I worked hard on getting the class ready for my kids. I am usually not one for decorating my classroom. I feel that because the walls are going to be filled with charts soon I do not really need to make it pretty. On the other hand this year I did some decorating. I put some nice wrapping paper on my desk so it is not too boring. I got my door ready for this year. I found it on pinterest and I wanted to do it too. it is bare but I hope to start filling it out soon. I also got my job board ready. and put up a cute calendar. I am looking forward to a good year and I hope th...