Book a Day Challenge DAY ONE!

Last summer I read a book that changed my whole thinking about how I teach reading. I loved Donalyn Miller's Book Whisperer , and it has motivated me in many ways. One way it motivated me was with her summer Book a Day Challenge. I decided that this year I was going to do my own Book a Day Challenge. Mine unfortunately, will only last a month, because I am moving out of town and won't have the time later in the summer. From today June 10th, 2017 till July 10th, 2017 I am going to read a book a day. To start my challenge I picked up a book by my favorite motivational writer, Ron Clark. I love his books they always make me want to get up and change the world. The book I read today, Move Your Bus , is directed towards business leaders but works well in the classroom. It has given me many different ideas I want to implement in the classroom to motivate my students more. I would recommend this book to everyone who wants to make a difference in their world.