
Showing posts from December, 2018

Blogging Truth

I've recently come to realize I am a terrible blogger. I get all gung ho to write and amaze people with my awesomeness but then I fall flat. Because, frankly I am not that awesome. I don't go out much I pretty much go to work come back and veg all day long. Sure every once and a while I go out and do something great and I compose a whole post in my head about my awesome trip. Then I get home and forget about it. Or the great composition in my head doesn't come out onto my keyboard and so it fizzles away. Sometimes when I'm in the shower I get some amazing post idea about education or Jordan and then I come out of the shower and it fizzles away. Another problem I have with my blogging is I want traffic so I want to make posts that people will want to come to. So I write about things that I am really not that into. Or I get so worked up about writing a post that would create traffic that I end up trying too hard and my post falls flat. This is the first post I've ...