January 2016 Pick 3

New year, new resolutions. This year I resolve to interact more with other teacher bloggers. So to that end I am joining the Pick 3 Link Party. Here we go!

I love this idea about the growing door. I plan on starting something like this this semester. I usually have a thematic door that changes every unit, so I am thinking on the other side I could have the Graffiti Door. As for the books I have something similar going on next to the library but the book spines are much cuter so I am going to change my current look and go for the bookcase.
My Classroom Doors:  

This next one I started doing the very next day. Though not exactly the same, I did start giving feedback on post-it notes. I also implemented a goal system for my kids. It has really helped get a better idea on what my students need work on. Sometimes with all my students it is hard to remember exactly who needs help with what, this way I know at a glance and can work with them better.

Teachers can learn how to give students effective and meaningful feedback so students can learn and grow!:

I am teaching the American Revolution later on this year so when I saw this post about teaching it I was like "I am totally doing that!" 
Role Playing with the American Revolution {Freebies Included}- Young Teacher Love by Kristine Nannini:

So there you have it. My three picks for January. Let me know what you think!


  1. Those reenactments are so fun- I used to do them a lot with social studies when I taught 5th and 7th grades. Thank you so much for sharing your pins and linking up with us! :)

    1. I love the idea of reenactments and I am looking forward to doing it. Thank you!

  2. Love the 'growing door' idea, particularly with the bookcase!

    Junior High Core Values

  3. Love the American Revolution idea...very creative and hands on for older students. Thanks for linking up with us!

  4. We aren't allowed to cover our classroom doors (huge bummer) but I love the ideas you shared. Great way to be resourceful and make good use of space!
    The Chalkboard Garden

    1. That is a bummer. I love decorating my door. Thank you for the comment!

  5. I've never heard of growing door. That's a cool idea!


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