5 Books I Read Aloud in 2020

One of my favorite parts about working in a school library is choosing books to read aloud to the younger years. I want to share 5 books I read this semester to kindergarten and grade one. The first book I read this year was If You Ever Want to Bring a Circus to the Library DON'T. It's about a girl who decides since the poster in the library says you can do anything in the Library she decides to bring a circus. I read this book at the beginning of the year because I thought it would be a great way to start a discussion about proper behavior in the Library. It set off a fun tone but also reminded students about how to respect the Library. Another great book I read in the first half of the school year was One Day. The End. It's about a little girl that is sharing small moments from her life. The problem is she only has the first line and the last line of the story but if you look at the pictures she leaves out some of the best parts. This is a great way to start a writing u...