Back into the Groove of Life
Oh my God, it as been a hectic few weeks. My brother came to visit, which meant going all over town to do a whole bunch of things which I'll get to in another post. In the middle of my brother visiting school started, I'm in a new position, LC Specialist (Assistant Librarian), and spent a week trying to figure it all out (still having trouble but it's getting better). Then in the middle of that I came down with a nasty stomach bug that took a few days to clear.
Needless to say I've been neglecting a lot of stuff recently. I promised myself to blog every Saturday, that hasn't happened. I promised myself to keep my room clutter free and dust free, My shoes are all
over the floor and I haven't dusted in a month. I promised to work on my photography, completely ignored my 30 day challenge for at least a week. Diet and exercise? HAHA! Ya, that went too.
On the plus side I visited so many new places in Jordan, had so many different types of food. I love my new job, so many books! Plus, helping kids find the right book for them is fantastic. I haven't gained too much weight back so another positive. My clothes are off the floor now, so that's another plus.
My brother is back in the states, my job is settling down and I feel great. So, I'm working on getting back into the groove of life. Starting with this post. I'll try to update my Photo Challenge this week, so stay tuned.

over the floor and I haven't dusted in a month. I promised to work on my photography, completely ignored my 30 day challenge for at least a week. Diet and exercise? HAHA! Ya, that went too.
On the plus side I visited so many new places in Jordan, had so many different types of food. I love my new job, so many books! Plus, helping kids find the right book for them is fantastic. I haven't gained too much weight back so another positive. My clothes are off the floor now, so that's another plus.
My brother is back in the states, my job is settling down and I feel great. So, I'm working on getting back into the groove of life. Starting with this post. I'll try to update my Photo Challenge this week, so stay tuned.
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