Who am I? Myers-Briggs Personality Test

   So I went to 16personalities.com and took the Myers-Briggs test. I got INFJ-T: Advocate. Reading over the results at first I was all "no this isn't me." For instance: "they have very strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea they believe in," I don't think so. Sure I have strong opinions but I'm not a fighter. I would rather keep my opinions to myself and not share them with others. Also, I am not creative, I don't think I am insightful and I am definitely not altruistic.

     But then as I read further there were more parts that made more sense. Like "It makes sense that their friends and colleagues will come to think of them as quiet Extroverted types, but they would all do well to remember that Advocates need time alone to decompress and recharge, and to not become too alarmed when they suddenly withdraw." We were  having a discussion at work and one of my colleges thought I was an extrovert. Which if they had seen me during spring break when I stayed at home for 7 days straight they wouldn't think so. There are so many other things that make sense too. I don't like criticism I take it very personally, I am private I have perfectionist tendencies, and I burn out easily.

     As I am writing this I realize something else. I am very down on myself. I really don't see any of the positive traits of an Advocate in me. I look at the weaknesses and I am all "that’s me!" but when I look at the strengths I go "nope wrong person." Which really just makes me sad. I need to work on my self-loathing and learn to see the good in me. Because this is sad.
