Five Things I Love About Jordan
I have officially been in Jordan for a whole year! In honor of my one year aniversary I would like to reflect on some of the things I love about Jordan.
While my two brothers, father and niece are all in the states, my sister leaves here with her husband and four kids. I love the men in my family but there is nothing like hanging out with your sister. We have a lot more in common together than me and my brothers. We talk about clothes, shoes, shows and food. We go out for coffee every saturday just to enjoy each other's company. I am truly blessed to have such a great sister.

My nieces are just fun to be around. We recently went to a farm in the Jordan Valley to go swimming and we had a blast playing with a beach ball and racing each other across the pool.
Family is definitely my top love!
In the States I was scared of going out at night. I was always worried that someone would take offense at my scarf. But, in Jordan I don't have those worries. On my evening walks there are tons of women walking alone without worries. Not to say there isn't crime in Jordan but it is a lot less than the States.
My Room

The Views
Jordan is a very hilly country. I've written before about how it's hills give me a good workout. The greatest part about the hills is when you reach the top of one you get an amazing view of the hill
beyond or the valley. We also have some beautiful mosques. That are truly picturesque.
Call to Prayer
The fifth thing I love about Jordan is listening to the Ada'an everyday. I feel so connected to Islam and the Islamic community when I hear the Ada'an. It is one of my favorite sounds in the world.
There are so many other things I love about Jordan that I could write about all the time but I wanted to limit it to my favorites. There are also things I miss about the States but that is for another list.
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