Five for Friday 11-27-15

It is Friday and as such time for Doodle Bugs Teaching Five for Friday link up party. It was a short week so not much happened but it was still a great week. In Math we were learning about surveys and pie charts so we made one of our own. Even though there are eighteen students and we only surveyed twelve of them I tried to make it a whole class project. First the five teams had to come up with one question each. Then the whole class voted on the question. We ended up with the question: What is your favorite movie? Next we voted on the options then finally on the colors. Then I had the kids pull numbers out of a hat and those who got 1 to 12 got to answer the survey. The rest got to shade in the pie chart. After we were done they signed the chart and we put it outside for all to see. The kids loved it. We are working on perfect tenses in ELA this unit so I came up with a few ways to show future, present and past perfect. For future we have not done it yet, We will ...