Parent Teacher Conferences


     Parent teacher conferences are next week and I am a little anxious. While I have no problem standing in front of a group of children and talking, when it comes to adults I get nervous. Last year I somehow upset a bunch of parents during the conferences. I was not prepared that well, and I spoke so fast that some people misinterpreted my words. I spent the rest of the year putting out fires I caused from those conferences.

     This year is different. I am well prepared, I have documentation, and I put together a little checklist to help me remember what to talk about.

Conference Form

I divided it into different categories and I will individualize it to every student, writing down notes for each category. I will go through it one by one and talk to the parents about it. Lastly there is space for concerns I have or the parent has. Lastly I have space for interventions I did or plan to do to help the student improve. Allah willing this will be a much better round of conference than last year.
