Writer's Workshop

Last week I was talking with some of the other teachers at work and they were discussing a new way to teach Writer's Workshop to kindergarten and first grade. It was about using chickens to represent the steps of the writing process. MG, our ELA expert said she got the idea from ABC's of the Writing Process . I really liked the idea and decided to make my own chickens to represent the writing process. I named him Chuck the Chick. I plan on using Chuck to review the process with my students next semester. Especially the planning stage, my students like to bypass that step. They end up with run on stories that have no ending. or they decide they do not like their story so they move on to another one and another one and none of them get finished. Hopefully Chuck will help them get back on track so we can finally get something into the publishing stage. Below is my WW stages with Chuck. Let me know what you think.